Root Cellar Required

As you know, we're in the process of getting our house ready to sell, and then look for our dream home: at least an acre, in the boonies, room for orchards and berry brambles and gardens and animals. A must is also a root cellar.

Never more reinforced as it has been this week.

We're in the Denver, Colorado area. In the past week, less, since Sunday, we've had three tornadoes.
  • Major damage on Sunday to a mall at Southlands where we used to visit when we lived in the area. Not just there - surrounding areas too.

  • On Tuesday several large funnel clouds passed within a mile of our home. Tween and I were home alone and made great use of our basement, reading books and having a regular chit-chat.

  • Today's tornado warning is happening as I type this and is slightly south of where Hubby's office and his mom's home is. Accompanied by major hail, and the storm system is moving quickly.

I don't remember this part of Colorado being prone to tornados but suddenly, here they are. We will, without a doubt, have a basement and/or root cellar in our new home. We found a house we kinda like but doesn't have a basement. We'd definitely built on - 2 more bedrooms and 1 bath on ground level, and a huge basement under all of that. We'll see.

Of course, I love having a basement here for storage purposes. We had a good harvest last year, and I dehydrated much of it. As for the winter squash, we still have several cushaw squash and pumpkins that are left from 2008 harvest, and they are still good! Can't imagine trying to store those in just a ground-level home. Not cool enough.

Be safe, everyone!


DayPhoto said...

I watch your weather everyday and wonder how you are doing.

Hang in there!


Kiki-Chan said...

how scary! i'm so glad all we get down here are hurricanes. we get plenty warning. if you are a prepper, piece of cake.

Unknown said...

The same storm system came through here and Memphis have 130,000 homes without power. Straight line winds, lost count on the number of tornado's that passed over. No one was injured or killed. Lots of property damage.

Are you going to build your own root cellar? If so can you share how you are going to?

marci357 said...

Stored my spaghetti squash from Mid Oct thru mid June just fine on the kitchen counter in plain sight of every thing. They have lasted extremely well - only one of 20 had a tip go bad. These are about 20 ft from the woodstove, which "cooks" in this 1000 sq ft house - so not exactly a cool location, but they did fine. NW Coastal Oregon

Once before I stored a couple dozen spaghetti on top of my dryer in an apartment kitchen - only space available. They lastest thru May there also. Near Portland, OR